The New Deal - in the US and Germany
28 Nov 2008
Thomas Lukscheider
A radical rethinking, a New Deal, is on the agenda. The worldwide depression can only be countered with stronger economic regulation, increased public spending and fiscal measures. This means an end to privatizations and rebuilding the infrastructure.
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Announcement :: Globalization
International WS happens December the 7th to the 11th
26 Nov 2008
Emilio de Lima (Ed.)
We want a debate not from the perspective of the market because the market heralds resolved now that they will make the solution for what themselves caused, with their bad conduction of economic policy
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News :: Activism
Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot
Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot
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The Financial Crisis in Biblical and Theological Perspective
25 Nov 2008
Ulrich Duchrow
The owners of capital started to create a bubble in the financial markets through various kinds of speculation in order to drive up the returns by derivatives, options etc, creating Casino Capitalism de-linked from the real economy.
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A Critique of the Fourth International
24 Nov 2008
Brent Herbert
Correcting our political perspective
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News :: Europe
Germany | Day of Action for the militant group trial
DECENTRALISED Action DAY for the militant group trial 13th 2008
Get involved with your own actions on the day of decentralised actions for the Militant Group Trial.
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Offe's Paradox
22 Nov 2008
Klaus Offe, a left thinker, once proposed Offe's paradox, the idea that "while capitalism cannot coexist with, neither can it exist without the welfare state." The welfare state is not dead; what is dead is people's economic security.
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News :: Activism
Tikvah: victim of double standard at U.C. Berkeley
22 Nov 2008
John E. Moghtader & Elodie Resseguie
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The global crisis is a crisis of capitalism
21 Nov 2008
Workers' Party - Philippines

It is time for the workers and the poor in the Philippines to prepare for the worse the moment its government keeps on repeating the mantra that the economic fundamentals remain good and thus there is little to worry about effects of the global recessionary trend. The world found itself in the present mess precisely because of such blind faith in neoliberal fundamentalism.
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