Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Instructions on forming a squatter camp

It's easy and cheap.
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Squatter camp3.jpg
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squatter camp4.jpg
One: Move to Florida or somewhere else that is warm.

Two: Gang up with 10 other foreclosed people.

Three: Pick a nice piece of empty land near a water supply.

Four: Collect all zinc sheets and long pieces of wood you can find.

Five: Build a one-roomed structure.

Six: Build the other shacks in a semi circle.

Seven: Build a double bed in the far corner of your shack.

Eight: Search around for a sink and table and orange boxes for chairs.

Nine: Collect firewood and get a nice fire going.

Ten: Retire at dusk and get up at dawn and go forage.

Now you’re set up for life and can only go up.

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