Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Miscellaneous

My Take On The Anti-War Protests..

My take on the anti-war protests in Baltimore on Nov. 6/7...and onward

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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous

Overnight Vigil Against The War- Going Strong!

A quick midnight update from the streets

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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous

Photos From The August Critical Mass

photos from the Aug. 31 critical mass bike ride- the first shot shows two of the police officers who harrassed the bikers and then escorted them by motorcycle.

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News :: Crime & Police

Health Crisis At The Women's Detention Center

Women inside Baltimore's city jail, an institution of over 450 women, are experiencing serious health crisis with reports of chronic illnesses frequently unattended and periodic deaths never explained.

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News :: Animal Rights

Fur Free Friday!

GT will be holding anti-fur protests on November 23rd, Fur Free Friday, and Saturday, November 24th.

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News :: Peace

Towson Anti-war Protest

We wish to issue a call to action on Wednesday, November 14th, against the war in Afghanistan.

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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous

"Day Of Peace" Disrupted By Towson University Police

Students at Towson University held events for a "day of peace" Tuesday, which continued for several hours despite constant disruption by University Police.

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News :: International Relations

A Roundup On The War In Afghanistan

As the U.S. attack on Afghanistan intensifies, Washington’s war on terrorism is threatening to spin out of control. A roundup on the war in Afghanistan.

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News :: Miscellaneous

Caught Between Our Enemies And Our Enemies' Enemies

Anti-war editorial from the fall 2001 issue of Claustrophobia.

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News :: Globalization

U.s. About Face On Patent Law

After long denying poor countries the right to manufacture inexpensive generic AIDS drugs, the U.S. is considering overruling patent law to produce generic Cipro for the treatment of anthrax here.

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