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Baltimore IMC

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My Take On The Anti-War Protests..

My take on the anti-war protests in Baltimore on Nov. 6/7...and onward
As I stood there surronded by a large mix of different politically oriented people from all age groups amounting to a grand total of about 15 people, I asked myself are we going about this the wrong way? This war is different. This is not the Veitnam War. This is a very very popular war, and I would think it has some very strong convictions to being so by the not so well educated. This was only the second anti-war protest I have been too, but I have to wonder if our efforts are all falling short of achieving what they truely can. We are doing what we always do; holding signs, chanting, singing songs from the 60's, flashing peace signs, and complaining about first amendment rights. Who cares? The majority of people do not care. The majority of people see what happend on 9-11 and they watch the continuous onslaught portrayed on every single news station. These people dont want to see a bunch of "burnt out hippies", "teenage anarchists", and your run of the mill lefty standing there yelling for peace. I honestly do not believe we are affecting anyone by demonstrating for peace in a tired old way such as was undertaken during the Vietnam War. This war is different. This war has to be taken into consideration as to why the events on 9-11 happened. Why do people hate America so much? What does America do on a daily basis to countries world wide that cause them to hate what we stand for? What are the real reasons we are bombing Afghanistan? This isnt a matter of peace. This isnt a matter of stop bombing. This is a matter of questioning America. Questioning its foriegn policy, its government, the corporate control, globalization, the way it achieves its economic gains, capitalism and what it stands for. This is a time where we should be addressing these issues. These are issues that mean something to the future. These are issues that when changed, will make a real difference on accounts of terrorism, war, and world peace. I don't think another movement like the one in the 60's is going to accomplish anything, and truly believe it is time to sit down and ask ourselves what is the best way we can go about doing this.

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