Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Crime & Police

RCMP Corruption Cartoon

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem
Mountie fired for speaking out

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News :: Miscellaneous

McKinney Finds MASS Support In Demand For 9-11 Inquiry!!!

U.S. Rep. McKinney Finds MASS Support in her Demand for 9-11 Inquiry. Urge ALL YOU KNOW to SEND HER A DONATION!! [contact info below] Nearly 50% in Atlanta Journal Constitution poll believed "Bush had pre-knowledge of 9-11 terrorist strikes!!"

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Commentary :: Globalization

Hold The Constitutional Light

Choose your reality ...

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Everything You Need To Know About FDP

Everything you need to know about the Festival del Pueblo, Boston, May 1-5.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Guide To April 19-22 Protests In DC For Baltimore Activists

This is a guide to participating in the April 19-22 mobilizations in DC for Baltimore-area activists. It covers events in DC, events in Baltimore, transportation to DC, housing in DC, legal information, and a letter from the A19-22 mobilization organizers.

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News :: Peace

Palestine. A Poem

Poem written with verses taken from the Psalms of David. Against the violence and blasphemy of Sharon's policy. With prayer to circulate it

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News :: Globalization


U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Donate To The Festival Del Pueblo

Please Donate!

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News :: Miscellaneous

Police Attack 300-Strong Durham (NC) Street Party, 15 Arrested

On Saturday April 13th, 300 people gathered for a street party on a busy street in Durham, NC. After 45 minutes of a festive atmosphere of drumming, dancing, capoeira, electronic music blasting off a rooftop, and a mock funeral, Durham police began their assault on the partiers...

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Recipes For Alternative Sustainable Living

Are You (or your group) Self-Sustaining? I am looking to compile a 'cookbook' for creative and non-traditional self-sustaining ventures. If you are interested, please read on...

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