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Police Attack 300-Strong Durham (NC) Street Party, 15 Arrested

On Saturday April 13th, 300 people gathered for a street party on a busy street in Durham, NC. After 45 minutes of a festive atmosphere of drumming, dancing, capoeira, electronic music blasting off a rooftop, and a mock funeral, Durham police began their assault on the partiers...
On Saturday, April 13th, 2002 at 2pm, around 300 people converged on 9th street. The sidewalks filled with drummers, a capoeira group, a mock funeral, dancing, soccer, and free food. Slowly people spilled into the streets, music from rooftop speakers kicked out dance beats, and barricades were dragged into the streets at the intersection of 9th St. and Perry St.

One young man was immediately arrested and the party moved to the police car where he was being detained. Chants of "let him go, let him go!" and "no justice, no peace!" filled the air. A police riot ensued as skateboards, drums, and banners were seized, and people were grabbed, verbally attacked, placed in handcuffs, thrown into thorn bushes, beaten and dragged on the asphalt, and assaulted by multiple officers while their head was pressed on a curb. A total of 15 people were arrested and charged with various charges including failure to disperse, impeding traffic, resisting arrest, intent to cause serious bodily harm to an officer, assaulting an officer, and inciting a riot.

After the barrage of police assaults and arrests, the party continued on in a somber mood, before an ad hoc march took off to the Durham City Jail where the arrested were being detained. Outside the jail, dozens of people chanted, made noise, raised money for bail, and waited until all were released 5 hours later.

legal situation

Around 2:45pm, in a span of 10 minutes, 15 people were arrested and held in Durham city jail until bail could be met. ($500-$1500, depending on the charges). Charges including failure to disperse, impeding traffic, resisting arrest, intent to cause serious bodily harm to an officer, assaulting an officer, and inciting a riot. They were all released by 7:45pm and are currently all seeking legal and financial help. They are also looking for photos, videotapes, and witnesses to their arrests.

If you can help in any way, please contact:

Court dates are from early May to late June. Please check our website for trial dates and times, so we can flood the courtroom in support of those arrested and in opposition to the injustices which occurred on that day.

If you saw any of the brutal police actions, we encourage you to bombard the citizen complaint form for the Durham County Sheriffs office:

Please call newpapers and Durham politicians to demand investigations into the violent police suppression of peaceful assembly on Ninth St. and to further demand that all charges be dropped against those brutalized and incarcerated by the police.

Durham Chief of Police: Teresa C. Chambers
560.4432 fax: 560.4971

Mayor: William "Bill"
560.4333 (x269 to leave a message) fax: 560.4801
and his home number: 544.5597

City Council Members:
Go to this website for their office numbers or better yet, download the PDF file and get their home numbers too!

for more info and photos from the party and to help with the legal situation, go to the street party webpage:

and email:

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