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Baltimore IMC


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Commentary :: International Relations

BTL:Former Intelligence Officer Accuses White House & Pentagon Of Providing...

"Former Intelligence Officer Accuses White House and Pentagon of Providing Direct Support for Failed Venezuelan Coup Attempt". Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Wayne Madsen, who now serves as the Washington correspondent for Intelligence Online based in Paris.

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Announcement :: Media

DirecTV Subscribers, UNITE! (I Want My FSTV)

If you are a DirecTV subscriber, read on: (Chance to support Free Speech TV)

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News :: Drugs

University Of Maryland Students Confront Police Over Arrests

The University of Maryland at College Park has been increasingly policing and prosecuting students for possession of alchohol or drugs. Students in the campus SSDP group confronted policec to demand that the officers personally stop arresting so many people.

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

North American Anarchist Gathering

North American Anarchist Gathering. June 6-9th.

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Announcement :: Peace


More than 20 Poets from around the world will celebrate the publication of THE WORLD HEALING BOOK and THE BOOK OF HOPE in response to 9/11.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

Protest For Squatters' Rights


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News :: International Relations


The Senator is a pig!

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News :: Crime & Police

Moratorium Victory! Beating Back Maryland's Racist Death Penalty

Town Meeting in Washington, DC this Thursday celebrating
the victory against Maryland's death penalty.

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Commentary :: Peace

Forget Jenin!

How much the Peace camp is weighing inside the Israeli society? How come that those peaceful people were being completely marginalized by the elections that brought to power General Sharon? And who is actually more representative of the deep trends stirring the Israeli society: the Peace Now movement along with the Conscience Objectors, or the people without whose support Sharon would never have appeared again in the political spectrum?

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Weed, Youth And The Revolution

Here are excerpts from the debate on -- the online discussion site focused on the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA and the strategy for revolution in the U.S.

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