Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Crime & Police

Moratorium Victory! Beating Back Maryland's Racist Death Penalty

Town Meeting in Washington, DC this Thursday celebrating
the victory against Maryland's death penalty.
051602.pdf (64 k)
This Thursday will be our celebratory town meeting "Moratorium Victory! Beating Back Maryland's Racist Death Penalty"

The event - cosponsored with Amnesty International - will take place at 7:30 pm at St. Stephen's Church (16th & Newton Sts, NW, a few blocks north of Columbia Heights metro). A great panel has been lined up:

1. Delores Williams - mother of Wesley Baker (just received stay of execution)
2. John Gilliam Price - brother in law of Tyrone Gilliam (last person to be executed in Maryland) and Campaign to End the Death Penalty member
3. Mona Cadena - Amnesty International
4. Mike Stark - Campaign to End the Death Penalty and ISO

There will be a number of other organizations represented on Thursday, and there should be plenty of new folks simply inspired by the moratorium. We will celebrate our victory, but the evening can also make the anti-death penalty movement stronger and the Campaign to End the Death Penalty bigger as we turn our focus towards winning abolition. Let's make the best of this night!

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