Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

Protest For Squatters' Rights

Taken from the Global Toxin e-mail list
Hey all,
Last Friday, a squat (a house which had been abandoned for 20 years) that local activists opened in Towson was busted. 2 juveniles were arrested for this, both are being charged with trespassing and 4th degree buglary. One of the arrestes said guns were pulled on the two as they exited the house. In response to this, local activists set-up a demonstration in front of the Towson Precinct 6 until both were released.

We are trying to work with local groups to take care of this problem. We are calling for a march (on the sidewalks) through Towson, starting at the traffic-circle and ending in front of the Old Court House (Washington Ave. and Chesapeake). TheOld Court House is home to the County Council and County Executives.We are calling for squatters' rights, a.k.a., the right to make abandoned and un-used houses into homes.


When: May 20, 3:00 PM.

Where: Towson Traffic Circle

What; March for Squatters' Rights. Homes not Jails!


Please contact us if you have any suggestions or need rides. We will discuss this in detail this Wednesday at 6:00 PM and the Towson Library (downstairs or outside) at the GT meeting. Please try attend if you are interested in helping organize the event.

If anyone knows speakers who could discuss these issues please call us immediately at 410-733-6867.

Bring drums, noise makers, banners, signs, etc.



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