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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: International Relations

BTL:Washington Bribes, Threatens and Spies on Nations, to...

...Coerce Support for U.S. War on Iraq.Interview with Sarah Anderson, of the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

NY Palestinian Activist in Segregation in York, PA

US immigration authorities have stepped up their campaign to isolate and silence NY-base Palestinian activist Farouk Abdel-Muhti, now in segregation in York County Prison in York, PA.

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LOCAL News :: Peace

Towson Area Students Unite Against War

towsonvigil 023 small.jpgStudents from Towson area high schools and colleges came together today to hold an evening candlelight vigil and walk, marking the latest step in their growing collaboration against the impending war in Iraq.

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Announcement :: Drugs

Are You Prepared for WAR?

Switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare

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News :: International Relations

Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities

Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities

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Commentary :: Peace

Taking a stand on March 5 has a long history; once again, the young lead the way

Editorial on March 5th student strike.

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News :: Activism

photoessay: FEB 15 NY AND GLOBAL UPRISING!(PT.2) by Hans Bennett

This is part two of a two part photoessay documenting the Feb.15 anti-war protest in NY with photos and a personal summary of the day from Hans.

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Commentary :: Economy

Demise of US Imperialismo: Bush vs Lula-Chavez

Leftist movements are rapidly organizing barrios and rural areas everywhere. If Chavez, Gutierrez and Lula’s PT can formulate a sustainable economic program for the people to fight for then a new world is born. Leftist governments provide a safe haven for ideas and space for the masses to organize and formulate demands.

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News :: Protest Activity

International Day Against Police Brutality, March 15


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Announcement :: Activism

Open Letter to progressive Activists!!!

Open letter to Progressive Activists, North American Wide event, April 5th.

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