Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Open Letter to progressive Activists!!!

Open letter to Progressive Activists, North American Wide event, April 5th.
Dear Progressives,
This letter was sent to
you as an invitation to an event being held in
Wilkes-Barre PA, April5th, 2003. The theme of this
event will be "Celebrating Diversity" in the
progressive community. Organizations and individuals
from across North America have been invited. It is
hoped that there will be at least two groups to
represent each of the various progressive ideals,
including but not limited to: Labor Unionism, Animal
Rights, Anti-Racism, Progressive Third Parties (Green,
Libertarian ect.), Alternative Media, Anti-Poverty,
Anarchism, Peace, Community Economics,
Environmentalism, Gay and Lesbian Acceptance, Welfare
Mother Support, Conflict Resolution, Pro-Democracy,
Consumer Awareness, and more.

For those who live a
considerable distance from Wilkes-Barre, I have listed
practical reasons for attending this event. (This list
is also good for those of you in the area.)
#1: Wilkes-Barre is one of two political, economic,
social, and cultural hubs of Northeast PA, but still
tends to be very conservative with little or no
progressive history.
#2: Wilkes-Barre is located 5 hours fro Boston, 5
hours from Washington D.C., 2 hours from New York
City, and 2 hours from Philadelphia.
#3: Wilkes-Barre has a beautiful, large public park
to organize in that does not require a permit.
#4: Group networking and grassroots organizing never
#5: To educate the public, each other, and ourselves
about all aspects of the progressive community.
#6: Wilkes-Barre is having a very rough time with
environmental defense, growth in racism, lagging
economy, treatment of its poor and homeless, along
with other untouched issues.

The main goal of this event is
not just to try and sway new faces to 登ur side・but
also to learn new things and build together. We can
learn so many things from each other. Therefore,
beyond showing a progressive presence and trying to
educate locals this should also be a literal
celebration as well. Not to only preach but to live
by example practicing our own ideals and celebrating
our differences. For this celebration, an outside
Potluck buffet is being organized for all those that
attend. So if possible, I humbly ask that everyone try
to bring a small amount of food (preferably vegetarian
so everyone may take part), paper plates, or plastic
spoons and knives. I also highly encourage groups to
take on the task of live music, political theater, or
any other form of entertainment.

Unfortunately, I cannot give a detailed description
of what this event will hold because each group and
individual will bring their own flavor to the table.
Nevertheless, to each of you I extend the invitation
to join us as an organization or individual. There
will be tables available for groups to distribute
information and literature if you so choose. In
addition, any groups that would like to have a speaker
you are more then welcome to carry on a speech at
anytime during the event to those congregated around
your table, or individuals interested.

Thank you all for your time, and I hope to see many
of you there. If you have any questions, comments, or
suggestions please feel free to contact me at anytime.

In Solidarity,

Timothy Walsh
Po Box 2845
Wilkes-Barre PA 18703
(570) 258-1345

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