Announcement :: Drugs
Are You Prepared for WAR?
Switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare
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Are You Prepared for WAR?
In our World today, Anything can happen.
We must embrace one another in the midst
of our frequent "Orange Alerts" here in our United States,
and the ongoing acts of terror which
continue in our World today.
The QUESTION we each must ask ourselves is:
Am I prepared for a terrorist attack on the USA?
The answer is simple: NO!
We have a simple & safe solution for you and your family
to be prepared in the unfortunate event of a terrorist attack.
Our Solution is FDA approved & scientifically proven to work.
switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare
"Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced
their intentions, politely putting us
on notice before they strike?"
-G. W. Bush