Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality

Authors of Manifesta to speak

Authors of Manifesta to speak at Towson Universtiy TOMORROW

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Announcement :: Activism

FTAA(miami) anti-capitalist consulta


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Commentary :: Media

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Black Humor from the War Zone

”And if I laugh at any mortal thing, ‘tis that I may not weep.” Lord Byron

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News :: Peace

Time to die!

russian anti-tank units let burst Abrams tanks like balloons!

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Commentary :: Activism

Zionist proxy war

Why is the left ignoring the real reason for the war?

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LOCAL News :: Media

National television boycott action on April 3, 2003

NBC displays severe self-censorship in firing of Peter Arnett. Join the boycott on April 3rd. Local monitors still needed.

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News :: Media : War in Iraq

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Truth about Plight of Iraqis Coming Out

This has been a corporate war - packaged with slick titles - "Shock and Awe," "Wining the hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People," "War of Liberation..." It has been sold like the latest hot stock commodity, and now when the "stock has failed to perform," the lies are flying. But the truth is slowly emerging.

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Announcement :: Globalization

shutdown the WTO and tell them no GMOs

there will be a huge biotech/WTO meeting in Sacramento in June. You are invited to help shut it down.

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News :: Activism

Pre-emptive Strike

Launch of pre-emptive strike against ongoing occupation of Iraq

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News :: Miscellaneous

The Week in Review: March 24-30

Week in Review

War rages on at incredible cost, North Korea remains in the background, the Homeland cracks down on its inhabitants (and sweeps a few things under the rug), women still treated badly, Jay Garver profits from Iraq in more ways than one, and don't forget to wear your respirator mask...


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