Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Globalization

shutdown the WTO and tell them no GMOs

there will be a huge biotech/WTO meeting in Sacramento in June. You are invited to help shut it down.
Calling on all those worried about genetically modified foods, free trade, democracy, farmers rights, world hunger, the environment, and a huge range of other issues to come out to Sacramento on June 23-25, 2003 for the ministerial meeting!
The conference in Sacramento is more than just a prelude to the WTO meeting in Cancun, it is our chance to bring biotechnology into the national spotlight, and put corporations like Monsanto on the defensive.
This meeting will have government officials, members of the WTO and corporate fatcats all getting together behind closed doors discussing our environment, our food supply and how they will turn our world into their greedy vision.

If you cannot make it out to Sacramento to help shut down the conference then hold a local demonstration against companies that are selling unsuspecting customers genetically modified frankenfood.
The targets are:

Safeway and Shaw's supermarkets


Your local school

If you do not have the ability to come to Sacramento or hold a local protest, then tell Monsanto you don't want their GMOs in your diet.

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