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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL News :: Gender and Sexuality

October 10th – Call for a Pro-LGBT Picket of the White House

— Please circulate widely —

6 PM, Saturday, Oct. 10th
Lafayette Park (on H Street just north of the White House)

Many of us watched in disgust this past January as the homophobic Reverend Rick Warren was given an honored place at the inaugural festivities. It was as if a leader of the White Citizens Council had been invited to the White House.


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News :: Activism : Europe

Carlos, 1 year without you, 1 year with you

A 1 hour and 16 minutes documentary about the intense year of fight after the murder of the antfascist comrade Carlos Palomino in Madrid. 11/11/2007

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News :: Activism : Globalization : Labor : Latin America : Protest Activity

Trabajadores de Terrabusi Argentina: “Lo más importante es la unidad y el apoyo”

Marcha Terrabusi a embajada yanki.jpg

Tras el enorme repudio que generó entre los trabajadores de Terrabusi la brutal represión de la policía del pasado lunes 7 contra los despedidos, cuando se aprestaban a ingresar a la planta y hacer cumplir la conciliación obligatoria, la lucha se fortaleció y endureció. Entrevistamos a una compañera despedida sobre la situación de esta heroica lucha.


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Announcement :: Education : Latin America : Media

Announcing 24 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism for February of 2010

Today we announce that Narco News will grant 24 scholarships for up-and-coming journalists and communicators to attend a ten-day session of the School of Authentic Journalism on February 3 to 13 of 2010 on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.


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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Dire Poverty is Unaddressed Factor in Afghan War

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

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LOCAL Commentary :: Economy

Can You Afford Proposed Health Bill OPT-OUT Penalties?

Health bill proposal calls for charging individuals a $900 penalty and families $3,800 that Opt-Out buying health insurance...every year...

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Every Tenant Has One

If you find an electrocuted rat in your kitchen stove, odds are that your landlord has breached the implied warranty of habitability in your lease. What if he won’t fix the problem? What can you do?

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Commentary :: Military

In Afghanistan, NATO Has No Military Goals

Population sectors open initially to the western invasion are turning today to the Taliban. The Karsai government is hated as never before on account of its corruption, cronyism and the brutality of warlords supporting the government.

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Announcement :: Education

New Economic Electronic Broadsheet

Hello, for anyone interested, this is a new electronic economic broadsheet named: 'Various Scientific Economic Review and Theory'

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

Truth Action in October

Contrary to some rumors, racism and right-wing propaganda are UNWELCOME at

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