Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Education

New Economic Electronic Broadsheet

Hello, for anyone interested, this is a new electronic economic broadsheet named: 'Various Scientific Economic Review and Theory'

Various Scientific Economic Review and Theory

Issue #1
June-November 2009
Price: $1.00
Evans Press

Each issue can be bought through by sending payment to:
If you would like, please indicate the e-mail address you wish to receive VSERT (Various Scientific Economic Review and Theory)

(for people who cannot afford an issue, it can be sent to them for free)
VSERT is an electronic broadsheet. One issue is released every six months. It is all text (no pictures)

Please let me know if there are any factual misinterpretations of any of the author’s views or subjects in this journal. I can be contacted at My name is Nicholas. Thank you.

This issue has three articles named:

- 'A Summary of Piero Sraffa’s Review of Friedrich Hayek’s Prices and Production; Part 1'

- 'What is the Difference Between Double Re-switching and Capital Reversing?'

- 'Benjamin Tucker: Individualist Libertarian Market Socialist' This article is for free on another post below this one on the newswire.

Thank you for your time.

Nicholas Evans

Nicholas Evans is the author of this publication and prefers peaceful and/or gradual change

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