Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Commentary :: Labor

A New Vision for Organizing

Some suggestions for fixing our unions and getting them back to work. Please forward so we can start discussion. Democracy is the only solution. (Ed Rothstein is a Baltimore-based labor activist. This article originally appeared in "Labor Notes", March 2003.)

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News :: [none]


03-7-4John.jpgJuly 4th, 2003: Three demonstrators protesting the NSA, our nation's most secretive spy agency located in Columbia, Maryland, were arrested and released Sisters Carol Gilbert and Ardeth Platte attended the protest and left early for fear of being detained. The two nuns await sentencing for their part in a Ploughshares action in Colorado.

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News :: Activism


This is an article about resistance in several neighborhoods of many latin american countries: the way they get active in the community and how they are evolving and making difference in their lives in a self-organized way

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News :: Africa

Bush Promise of Increased Aid to Africa a Bald-faced Lie

To weasle a few photo ops in Africa, Bush promised increased aid to that struggling continent...all the while knowing his rightwing pals in Congress planned to SLASH African aid.

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News :: Protest Activity

Mass Rallies and Marches Across South Africa Protest Bush


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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Anarchist prisoner Shaka N'Zinga needs support now

New Afrikan anarchist prisoner Shaka N'Zinga has the opportunity now to get his case back into court and potentially be released within 3 or 4 years. But he will need financial support and grassroots organizing to support his struggle.

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Would You Pay for Torture?

GUESS WHAT: You Already Do! Each year, millions of your tax dollars are being used for the training of Latin American soldiers at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, GA. The training provided at the SOA contributes to attrocities and human rights abuses.

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Review :: Culture

Freud and Zionism:1 letter,1 article

Thre is a guy on IMC named "Ender" who seems very disturbed by this Freud's Letter and he runs after me along every IMC shouting "misinformation " "misinformation" . It's very easy to verify immediatly: the Letter is published on the web "Freud Museum London"
E-Mail adress

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Environment

New Website: Baltimore City League of Environmental Voters
A new local website, from the Baltimore City League of Environmental Voters

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Santa Cruz Police Violate Free Speech With Two More Arrests!

Freedom of speech under attack.

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