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Mass Rallies and Marches Across South Africa Protest Bush

Don't expect to read/see/hear this story in the American media! Bush is truly living in a fantasy land to even visit South Africa, where he has been condemned by Nelson Mandela as a war criminal. But if you are surrounded by enough fawning yes men and media minions you can create a "silk purse" news story out of any sow's ear of reality. Afterall, Bush had the nerve to stand up in front of an audience in Liberia recently and self-righteously "condemn" the outrage of slavery - while supporting the overturn of affirmative action and continuing to promote racial profiling in the name of "national security."

Here are just a few samples of what's really going on in South Africa today:

PRETORIA: A mass rally on Wednesday July 9th at 11am at the Union Buildings during Thabo Mbeki's meeting with George Bush, where a memorandum will be handed over. There will then be a mass march to the American embassy.

JOHANNESBURG: A mass march on Saturday July 5th from Library Gardens at 12 noon, proceeding to the ANC Headquarters.

A Mass Rally on Saturday July 5th starting at 10am at the City Hall calling on the Mayor to declare Durban a Bush-free zone.

CAPETOWN: A mass march on Wednesday July 9th from Kaisergracht (District Six) on Parliament, starting at 10am. Of course, don't expect to see reports of these events on FOX, CNN, NBC, et al!

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