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News :: Africa

Bush Promise of Increased Aid to Africa a Bald-faced Lie

To weasle a few photo ops in Africa, Bush promised increased aid to that struggling continent...all the while knowing his rightwing pals in Congress planned to SLASH African aid.
Bush is running a scam with the rightwing-dominated US Congress to dupe Africans long enough to stage a photo-op visit to Liberia and South Africa. While loudly proclaiming to the media that he promises to increase aid to Africa, Bush's henchmen in the Congress are planning to insure that funding to Africa is not only NOT increased, but SLASHED. This is just a transparent version of the "good cop/bad cop" scheme, with Bush playing "good cop" and his confederates in Congress playing "bad cop." Both have the same goal: withhold real help from the continent that needs it most.

Course, we here in Maryland have seen this sort of scam about those promises Ehrlich made to increase funding and support to education?

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