Mamet’s “Spartan” Film Misleads America
The reality today is a lot grimmer than David Mamet dares to imagine. His film, “The Spartan,” is drawn on too small a political canvas. It is not what is needed now by a nation headed straight for hell. This country requires a mighty, slashing jolt to bring it to its senses and Mamet gives it a hug. Unless America’s dangerous trend towards militarism and imperialism is reversed, it will lead to the demise of our Republic and worse.
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The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 17
Weekly summary of worldy nonsense
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LOCAL Announcement :: Media
Baltimore Public Access TV Hangs in the Balance
14 Mar 2004

The future of Baltimore Public Access TV hangs in the balance. Our joint support at this time could make the difference. Read on.....
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Green Party Tid Bit: Ross is Black & Green
On Saturday March 13 the Baltimore City Green Party held its convention. Glenn L. Ross, Green Party candidate for Baltimore City Council District 13, shared a valuable tid bit.
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Review :: Miscellaneous
Gerard Holmgren's updated 911 evidence kit
Gerard Holmgren's updated 911 evidence kit. There's enough information here to call for the immediate arrest of George Bush.
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Amy Goodman, Left Gatekeeper; by Scott Loughrey
An analysis of Amy Goodman's recent service for the Empire.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Lebanese riot police break up anti-Syria protest
13 Mar 2004
Mark dameli
Lebanese riot police backed by the army beat protesters and used water cannon to break up an anti-Syria demonstration in Beirut on Friday.
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News :: Labor
Building Bridges Radio-The Fight for Labor Rights From Iraq to the U.S.
12 Mar 2004
by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash
Building Bridges Radio presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON "L.A.INDYMEDIA" AUDIO LINK BELOW
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