On Saturday March 13 the Baltimore City Green Party held its convention. Glenn L. Ross, Green Party candidate for Baltimore City Council District 13, shared a valuable tid bit.
Glenn L. Ross, Green Party Candidate for City Council District 13.
Glenn Ross is a long-standing community leader in Baltimore. He is African American, and he is a Green Party candidate. During the March 13, 2004 Green Party convention, Mr. Ross shared an evolutionary experience that is worth sharing with a wider audience.
Mr. Ross described his interactions with Democratic Party activists years ago, who had described the Green Party as "communists." At the time he felt the black community had enough problems to without having to deal with being labled "communists." So, he dismissed the Green Party.
Eventually, someone handed Glenn Ross a flier that outlined the Green Party values. He read it and thought, I'm not only Black, I'm Green!
During the March 13 convention, Mr. Ross urged the Green Party activists to "flood" African American communities with the Green Party platform. For a start, Green Party activists might consider focusing on District 13.
The platform has evolved since the first time Mr. Ross read it, but it is still worth reading. The Green Party is about much more than electoral politics; it is about fundamental social values.
Baltimore Green Party Platform