BTL:World Public Opinion Poll Reveals Growing Hostility Toward America and...
26 Mar 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Its Foreign Policy* Interview with Ed Bice, executive director of People's Opinion Project, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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President Chavez dedicates 20 minutes to In Defence of Marxism on TV
25 Mar 2004
Socialist Appeal
Hands Off Venezuela Campaign
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News :: U.S. Government
Bush worships MOLOCH at Bohemian Grove: is the child sacrifice real?
25 Mar 2004
truth is stranger than fiction
Paul Bonacci was awarded $1,000,000 by a Federal Court for being forced to participate in a snuff film at Bohemian Grove. Authorities are NOT investigating......
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News :: Activism
March 20: Planetwide Demos Against U.S. Occupation of Iraq
One year ago, Iraq was being pounded by the "shock and awe" of U.S. attack. Iraq's people have now lived a year under brutal occupation--as U.S. invaders seek to impose a new pro-U.S. government at the point of a gun.
On March 20, 2004, hundreds of thousands of people around the world took to the streets, in over 300 actions in dozens of countries. Powerful outpourings of protest and resistance denounced the U.S. occupation of Iraq and demanded an end to U.S. attempts to dominate the world through threats and war.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
The Aladdin Sisalem True Survivor Show
25 Mar 2004
Mary La Rosa
Lombrum Detention Center in Papua New Guinea, 2004: Predestined to refugee status by the political circumstances of his birth in Kuwait to a Palestinian father and an Egyptian mother, 25 year old Aladdin Sisalem now sits in solitary confinement on an island that costs the Australian government almost as much in bad public relations as it does in money.
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News :: Europe
Solidarity with CSOA Hamsa from Barcelona (Spain)
24 Mar 2004
Csoa Hamsa, a squad with almost 8 years been fighting from barcelona, creating a collective space were everybody had an space to talk and do, is gonna be evicted on march us to stop the eviction....
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News :: International Relations
Israel & Occupied Territories: US Country Reports on Human Rights Practice
24 Mar 2004
US Dept of State
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2003
Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
February 25, 2004
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News :: Asia
Open letter to Harvard University President
Open letter to Harvard University President
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Interview :: [none]
Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying: March 26 & March 27
24 Mar 2004
Jim George

Who’s the Trickster? Living Room Company Director Michael Patrick Smith talks about how he wrapped his arms around his dream of writing, producing and performing in a play about Woodie Guthrie. Smith and the Living Room Company will perform "Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying" Friday March 26, and Saturday March 27 at the
Creative Alliance.
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