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Open letter to Harvard University President

Open letter to Harvard University President

Open letter to President  of 
Harvard University !


President Lawrence H. Summers

Office of the President

Harvard University

Massachusetts Hall

Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Tel: (617) 495-1501

Fax: (617) 495-8550



Dear Lawrence H. Summers ,

With due respect I wish to bring to your notice about an
ex-Student of Harvard  . Mr.Rahul
Gandhi is running for public office in India , he is projected by media and his
party as , "Harvard Graduate " , 
"Harvard Educated" ( Appendix ) . According to our information
though he studied at Harvard he didn't completed his Program .

Mr.Subramanian Swamy hold a faculty position at Harvard
openly stated that Rahul Gandhi left Harvard without qualifying for a degree in
a letter to Ms. Vasundara Raje ,Minister of State in charge of Personnel Dated , 
March 31, 2001.

Also we learnt from numerous sources that he didn't
completed his degree . Indians regard  Harvard 
as a Sacred Temple of Education and fountain of Knowledge , many students
from your esteemed University contributed to the development of India and have
occupied high positions . India is a largest Democracy in the world ,
unscrupulous persons who couldn't able to complete their degree are misusing
"Harvard" as a Marketing tool for running to Public 
office , by doing so they are not only doing a great disservice to the
Society but also lowering the dignity an respect of Harvard 
University .

This is not the first time such lies are spread to Indian
Public , please allow me to quote 2 instances .

1.Late Indian Prime Minister Mr.Rajive Gandhi claimed that
he was qualified  Mechanical
Engineer  from the Cambridge
University UK.  Subsequent enquiry
with University officials revealed that "Mr. Gandhi was in residence as an
undergraduate at Cambridge for three years, from 1962 until 1965; his subject of
study was Mechanical Sciences. During his time here he did not pass any
University examinations, and so he left Cambridge without qualifying for a
degree " . His name was removed from the Children's Encyclopedia by The
World Book Inc. of Chicago . But it was too late , he was able to successfully
dupe the Indian Public .

2. Ms.Sonia Gandhi wife of Rajive Gandhi 
has bluffed Indian Parliament in the Who”s Who wherein she states (p.
291) that she was educated in Cambridge University and received Diploma in
English . 

In this regard we request you to check the records of
Mr.Rahul Gandhi and issue a statement as early as possible in the interest of
general public

With Regards



Here are some instances in the Indian Media and also
prestigious News Agency AFP .


NEWS AGENCY : AFP is reporting

"Rahul Gandhi, a Harvard University graduate
who used to work for a computer firm in London, bears a striking resemblance to
his father, who was slain by Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels in 1991. "

Source :

Times Of India

Source :,curpg-2.cms

Education : Studied at St Columba's, Delhi; History honours
at St Stephens. Did not have

the requisite marks for the course, but was given admission
in the sports quota for shooting, amid accusations of using the Gandhi name. Masters
in Economics from Harvard
, Development Economics at Trinity College
Cambridge, also did an engineering design course in software.

Hindustan Times

He is a Masters in Economics from Harvard and has
studied Development Economics at Trinity College Cambridge, with an engineering
design course in software also in his kitty. He gave up his career abroad to
help his mother Sonia Gandhi at home and in India,he has his own consultancy
firm in Gurgaon besides being involved with an NGO 
Pratham which focuses on primary education for children.

Source :,004300140007.htm

Sify News 

Source :

The Harvard-educated Rahul currently owns a computer
consultancy firm in New Delhi. His candidacy, ironically, runs counter to a
ruling by his mother that two members of the same family should not be given
tickets to the same election! In any case, the Congress hopes that the 'politics
of pedigree' will see them through. However, it must be said that Rahul does not
enjoy the advantages that his father and grandmother had when they entered the


The Guardian

Monday March 22, 2004

The 33-year-old, who studied at Harvard and has
worked for an investment bank in London  will
stand for election in the north Indian constituency of Amethi. The seat was held
by his father, Rajiv, assassinated in 1989, and is currently held by Rahul's
mother, the Italian-born Sonia, who leads the opposition Congress party.

Source :,12559,1174872,00.html



Monday March 22, 2004 

What unique skill will the Harvard-educated Rahul
bring to the party – is a question that needs 
to be answered, and answered fast 

Source :


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