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News :: Europe

Solidarity with CSOA Hamsa from Barcelona (Spain)

Csoa Hamsa, a squad with almost 8 years been fighting from barcelona, creating a collective space were everybody had an space to talk and do, is gonna be evicted on march us to stop the eviction....
We're not afraid to loss a social place or squad because since the first day we came inside we knew that someday it will have a finish, we don't gonna this four walls will become our own prison, the thing we gonna is that lost an space to belong everybody who worked an enjoyed it during all this years don't make us paralyse, just the opposed, that will be able to promote and stimulate a big wave. It's true so many times the fights become isolated, alone in huge conflicts; it's true that dynamics from our own life make us so many times don't see farther from our own places; but we will not be able to forget how important is solidarity. We're not talking about that solidarity promote by the state and "democracies" based in paternalism and perpetuation of the dominator-dominated; we're talking about help between all that people collectives who suffer the terror of evictions, represion, torture, exclusion, prison, how price to pay because we tried to finish with this sick and submissive society.
This squad are since almost 8 years old fighting, basically thamks to the solidarity receibed during the most difficult times, because so many people were feeling they need this space, because so many people were feeling the space were own, or only because the fight, the resistance from someones in somewhere is the reflex from the fight of so many people. One time more were calling that people more or less organized to be mobilized to stop the possible eviction and show our bigger indignation and repulse in front a total servilist system.

we send you and email to belong the owner who were trying to evict us on march 29th, and we invite you to show all our indignation. Hamsa resiste! Eviction=Riots!
owner's email:

to finish only i must to say sorry because my english is not so good and probably is gonna be difficult understand something. Also, if you are interested the squad "CSOA Hamsa" have a website :

also indymedia barcelona you will be able to read in the central space (soon in english, changing the language option on the top of the web) how the situation is going, like all the information, photos, texts that we're preparing to you :


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