News :: [none]
This Was The Week That Was
05 Apr 2004
Howard J. Ehrlich
Our weekly review of the news
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The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 20
Weekly summary of worldly nonsense
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Economy : Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Military : Protest Activity
April 10: Teach-in on IMF/World Bank & Alternatives
05 Apr 2004

Prompted by the upcoming 60th anniversary meetings of the IMF & World Bank in Washington DC April 21-25, the April 10 teach-in seeks to educate and inspire action to challenge corporate globalization and promote alternatives.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Environment
Heartwood Forest Council 2004
05 Apr 2004
Caroline Furnace Camp
Fort Valley, Virginia
May 28-31, 2004
Defending Forests, Defending Freedoms Liberty and Justice For All.
Hosted by Virginia Forest Watch
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News :: Latin America
Cuban Terrorist Group Training Venezuelan Paramilitaries in Miami Area
05 Apr 2004
Cort Greene-SocialistAppeal
Hands Off Venezuela Campaign
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Animal Rights
Bravebirds Times Online 03/04
05 Apr 2004
Eastern Shore Sanctuary
Spring has sprung at the Eastern Shore Sanctuary.
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Announcement :: Environment
Depleted Uranium - A Mystery in Transport
The United States military does not want civilian populations to know how and when depleted uranium (DU) munitions are being shipped through their communities for fear of “unnecessary public concern about the radiation risks associated with DU munitions.” Normally this type of shipment would be labeled with both Department of Transportation (DOT) “Radioactive” and “Explosive” placards. Branches of the U.S. military, however, have a special Department of Transportation exemption, DOT-E 9649, which allows them to ship DU munitions without the “Radioactive” placard.1 The exemption must be renewed every few years by the DOT and the Military Traffic Management Command.2
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News :: War in Iraq
Will Rice take the fall for Bush?
05 Apr 2004
Richard Muhammad
As the country awaits her April 8 public appearance -- with a separate 9-11 investigation commission closed door appearance for President Bush and Vice President Cheney -- it might not be too early to wonder if Condoleezza Rice will be the administration's fall gal.
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News :: Gender and Sexuality
Transgenders, Families Gear Up to Lobby on Capitol Hill
04 Apr 2004
NTAC Media
Transgender activists from all over America will converge on Capitol Hill, April 29-30 to lobby Congress for transgender inclusion in, and passage of hate crimes and employment rights legislation. Lobby Days 2004 is sponsored by the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC), the country's largest and most active organization advocating for the rights of transgender Americans at federal, state, and local levels.
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