Prompted by the upcoming 60th anniversary meetings of the IMF & World Bank in Washington DC April 21-25, the April 10 teach-in seeks to educate and inspire action to challenge corporate globalization and promote alternatives.
Imperialism and Global Plunder: The Institutions, the Resistance and the Alternatives
Saturday, 10 April 2004
12:00 Noon - 05:30 PM
Universtiy of Baltimore Business Center
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave. (Directions Below)
In addition to bringing people and organizations together, the April 10 Teach-in will include workshops, panel discussions and open dialogue. Topics will address the role and functions of the IMF & World Bank in corporate globalization, the resistance efforts of the Global Justice Movement, and alternative paths for the future.
The April 10 Teach-in is part of a larger initiative to raise awareness about the upcoming mass demonstration on April 24 at the IMF meetings in Washington, DC. 2004 is the 60th Anniversary of the IMF.
Schedule of Events for April 10 Teach-in:
12:00-1:30pm "The Problem: IMF/World Bank"
* 50 Years is Enough Speakers
* Kwami Abyomi (City Councilperson; member of delegation to Colombia)
1:45-3:45pm "Resistance & Alternatives"
* Marina Sitrin (Activist recently returned from Argentina)
* Katrina Abarcar (Center for Economic Justice)
* Robin Hahnel (American University; author "Political Economy of Participatory Economics" and "ABCs of Political Economy")
4:00-5:30pm "Two Simultaneous Workshops"
1) Worker Cooperatives
* John Lawrence (Staten Island University; editorial board member of GEO Newsletter)
2) Direct Action Strategy/Tactics
* Marcos Bisticas-Cocoves (Coalition against Global Exploitation),
* Patrick McKale (NEFAC; Anti-Racist Action)
* Patrick Stanley (Jonah House)
Discussion of Past IMF/WB Convergences (open discussion)
Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE)
UB Progressives
All People's Congress
Baltimore Action for Justice in the Americas
Research Associates Foundation
University of Baltimore
Thumel Business Center Auditorium
University of Baltimore
1420 N. Charles
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave.
The Business Center Auditorium is up a flight of stairs off of the main entrance.
Directions: Directions (from DC):
Route 95 to Inner Harbor exit
Right on Conway (1st light)
Left on Charles Street (at Sheraton Hotel)
Left on Mt. Royal (Thumel Center in this block)
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave.
Cost: FREE
Donations are welcomed
Make Checks to: BERN
Mail to:
1443 Gorsuch Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21218
SEE: "Police Tactics & Resistance: The Miami Model"
* Mike McGuire, Coalition against Global Exploitation
Friday, April 9th, 7:00pm at University of Baltimore, Thumel Business Center Auditorium. More details

The opinions of the author of this announcement, reflected in this image, are not necessarily shared by the sponsors of the April 10, 2004 Teach-in.