News :: Culture
Millions of Movie-Goers Take Gibson Film "Far Too Seriously"
In the most startling display of people taking a film's inherent message far too seriously, almost 75% of Americans now base their religion on the story depicted in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of The Christ." Theologian Tom Sandell sat down and talked to us about this extraordinary phenomenon.
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Announcement :: [none]
Great 1877 Railroad Strike & Darkstar Days 2004: July 18 - 21
15 Jul 2004
Jim George

This announcement outlines the events of Darkstar Days, July 18-21, honoring Kevin "Darkstar" Gosnell and remembering the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, which started in Baltimore and spread across the nation. The week's events include a tour of the 1877 uprising route, a teach-in, picnics, a critical mass ride, an open-mic event, memorial concert, a pot luck and more.
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News :: War in Iraq
Seymour Hersh says the US government has videotapes of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq
"The worst is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking," the reporter told an ACLU convention last week. Hersh says there was "a massive amount of criminal wrongdoing that was covered up at the highest command out there, and higher."
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News :: Animal Rights
As the US Government and FBI attempt to crush the campaign ( aimed at closing down large corporate vivisection lab. Huntingdon Life Sciences, activists continue to fight hard and fight back!
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The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 28
A summary of wordly nonsense
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Kerry may dethrone King George II, but will he really bring “justice to all”?
14 Jul 2004
Robert Lee
Kerry may dethrone King George II, but will he really bring “justice to all”?
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News :: Activism
Attacks on revolution books detroit
1. Revolution Books Outlet has had a booth at every Concert of Colors since its inception. This year, New Detroit has banned RBO from the event. It appears to be based on a bogus attempt to label RBO’s support for the struggle of the Palestinian people as anti-Jewish. This is at a time of an escalating war on the Palestinians by Israel, and the U.S., as part of their war on the peoples of the Middle East, and a fascist clampdown in the U.S. in which Arab people have been the first targets. RBO has been on point against this war and repression, providing literature which shows that the war on the Middle East is a strategic part of the U.S. empire’s plans for world dominatio
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