Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Kerry may dethrone King George II, but will he really bring “justice to all”?

Kerry may dethrone King George II, but will he really bring “justice to all”?
The unfortunate reality is that John Kerry is owned by corporations such as Wal-Mart and the Heinz Ketchup Company, owned by his billionaire wife Teresa Heinz, who is bosom buddies with “Kenny Boy” Lay of Enron, part of the Bush/Houston corruptster clan.
This is why you have will not see Kerry crack down on the corporate fraudsters who pay them selves $100 million annual salaries while laying off thousands of their workers and stealing their pensions as a severance package.
According to Sen. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, the Democrat from South Carolina. “I can tell you right now, the labor unions and the G.I. Bill built the middle class of America." The G.I. bill provided a college education for those who served in the military, has long since been eliminated, and the middle class is steadily being eliminated. Now veterans are lucky to get enough education money to get them through one semester of school after putting their life on the line to enrich corporate CEO’s such as Dick Cheney.
Also, Kerry is a strong supporter of Israeli dominance in the Middle East, including the Iraqi war, which is the current litmus test that the American media used to usher him into winning the Democratic primaries in March. Kerry has said that he’ll send even more American troops than King George II already has there, to maintain the latest British/American/Israeli conquest of Middle East oil, as the American media can also rest assured that Kerry, like Bush, will be taking orders from Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to keep the entire Middle East under their thumb, as the American/Israelis continue their decades-long holocaust of Muslims in the Middle East, all for oil and economic control of this world’s most lucrative natural resource.
Kerry will not make any substantial changes to IMF/World Bank world economic enslavement, driving American wages down in the “race to the bottom” due to the outsourcing of not only blue collar jobs, but also white collar jobs such as computer programming.
Meet the new boss — same as the old boss.

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