LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous
The Week in Review: May 19-25
26 May 2003
Baltimore IMC Editors

We're back to orange; the omnimedia project is still driving a bulldozer, foreman flies to Vegas; crimnogenic neighborhoods?; the problem with noise; building teeny weeny nuclear bombs is OK; Soldiers tell fauna, "Out of my way!"; Mad cows and herb; this week in history...
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News :: [none]
Surviving Shock and Awe
26 May 2003
Jean Cushman

Ed Kinane, a member of the Iraq Peace team, spent three months in Iraq just prior to and during the bombardment of Baghdad, where Kinane was living in the Al Fanaar Hotel. He spoke on May 23, 2003 at AFSC before an audience of 35.
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News :: Activism
Anti War "Red Pill" Flyer
The Not In Our Name Project produced "Red Pill" flyers to pass out to people waiting in line to see the new Matrix Reloaded. The flyers encourage all to take the bitter pill of truth and become unleashed to fight against our government's war on the world.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Peace : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
Iraq Pledge/Baltimore keeps pressure on
The Iraq Pledge of Resistance has called for a truth commission.
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News :: Media
pepperface media hub update for week ending 05.30.03
26 May 2003
king friday @ pepperface

pepperface media hub update for week ending 05.30.03
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Talking About Class: An Anarcho-Communist Primer
Why is the concept of class so important to anarchists? Why are we constantly talking about classes and class struggle? Some of our opponents accuse us of living in the past, they claim the working class is dying out. After all you don't see too many workers wanderng around in donkey jackets, cloth caps and heavy boots. So that settles the question, doesn't it? No, it doesn't, so let us get away from silly caricatures and get down to basics.
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Announcement :: Globalization
25 May 2003
Francisco Trindade
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Fidel's trip to Argentina
Analysis of the configuration of the new context in Latin America
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News :: Peace
24 May 2003
W. Small
The Pit Stop Ploughshares Community in Ireland received a full pardon from "acting" President Martin Sheen on May 23, 2003 just in case the Irish government does not grant the peace activists a fair trial.
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BTL:Opponents Organize Resistance to FCC Rules Change That Will...
23 May 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Strengthen Media Monopolies Interview with Between the Lines' John Nichols, Washington correspondent with The Nation, conducted by Scott Harris
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