News :: Activism
Anti War "Red Pill" Flyer
The Not In Our Name Project produced "Red Pill" flyers to pass out to people waiting in line to see the new Matrix Reloaded. The flyers encourage all to take the bitter pill of truth and become unleashed to fight against our government's war on the world.

Hey Resisters,
Wanted to let folks who get your magazine know that the Not In Our Name Project made cool anti war "red pill" flyers and cards to pass out at the opening of The Matrix Reloaded. Here is what a reviewer at wrote about them:
"As I left the theater after watching the new film, I was handed a slick little flier. "Take the Red Pill," it said. "Join the Resistance." At first I thought it was a Christian tract, but it was Not in Our Name's clever attempt at a wake-up call for a very sleepy nation. Here are the truths the tract's authors offered: slaughtered Iraqis, Orwellian homeland security, deportations and military tribunals, endless war and repression. But they also saw a light at the end of the rabbit hole. "Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real," they said. "Join us." They listed some numbers, and I impulsively looked around for the nearest public phone, as if I were Clark Kent, or Neo trying to slip back out of the Matrix. I didn't see one. They're not easy to find these days."
The Red Pill images are posted on the nationalwebsite
(Red Pill Postcard Images):