March 20, 2004 NYC Protest: A Credible Resistance Movement Builds, by Scott Loughrey
Scott Loughrey reviews the March 20, 2004 protest in New York City. He finds an example of fantastic activism that he recommends others emulate.
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The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 18
Weekly summary of worldly nonsense
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Culture
March 27 Creative Convergence
22 Mar 2004
A Supporter

The time has come for all creative progressive activists to converge at the "Forum for Creative Organizing." The Communication of our ideas is most powerful if done through artistic media. This event on Saturday March 27 brings together people who share this vision.
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Announcement :: U.S. Government
DNC 2 RNC March!
22 Mar 2004
Next Step Collective
a 225-mile march fron the Democratic National Convention to the Republican National Convention. Helps us connect the struggles against corporate rule!
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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous
This Was The Week That Was
22 Mar 2004
Howard J. Ehrlich
Our weekly review of the news
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BTL:Human Rights Group Charges U.S. is Abusing Prisoners in Afghanistan
21 Mar 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with John Sifton, researcher with the Asia Division of Human Rights Watch, conducted Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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NYC’s Anti-War Rally Rips Bush’s “Trail of Lies”
20 Mar 2004
William Hughes
Leading the parade of protesters, at the huge NYC rally, was presidential, anti-Iraq War candidate, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH). He said, "We've seen that there has been nothing but a trail of lies that led the United States into its involvement in Iraq. That Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. That Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaeda’s role in 9/11, and that it had nothing to do with the Anthrax attack upon this country."
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