Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Meeting on the Stuggle for Justice 4 Sean Bell

Discussion & Meeting on the struggle for Justice 4 Sean Bell

And all victims of police brutality.
Justice4SeanBellbaltomeeting2.doc (181 k)
Discussion & Meeting on the struggle for Justice 4 Sean Bell

And all victims of police brutality.

Wednesday, May 21
7 PM to 9 PM
@ The Yabba Pot
2431 St. Paul Street. (25th & St. Paul)

Special Guest Speaker:

* Tyneisha Bowens- a national youth and student organizer with F.I.S.T (Fight Imperialism Stand Together) will talk about organizing efforts in NYC and how we can build a national movement against racism and police brutality.

* See recent video coverage of the protests in New York

Sponsored by: All Peoples Congress, FIST (Fight Imperialism Stand Together, Workers World Party

For more information call: 443-220-7919

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