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In the Other Press

To alleviate the problem of articles from other press sources being reposted on this IMC site, this section allows users to link to articles published elsewhere, and to contribute and read comments on those pieces. Have something interesting to post?


Interview :: Environment

VIDEO: "Super-Freakomics"

Co-authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner reflect on how psychologists and economists analyze terrorism, prisons and crime, cap and trade, engineering to change the planet and the law of unintended consequences.

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Commentary :: Economy

VIDEO: "The American Ruling Class"

"He who serves all, best serves himself." (Jack London)
Lewis Lapham's 90-minute "The American Ruling Class" includes guest appearances by Pete Seeger, Barbara Ehrenreich and Howard Zinn.
"We'll stop the war and help the poor when the empire falls."
"The world is not oneself.. One day the see-saw will tip."
"Never doubt that a small group of engaged citizens will change the world."

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Commentary :: Economy

The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle

(Neoliberalism as a puzzle: the useless global unity which fragments and destroys nations)
In June 1997, this analysis of neoliberalism by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation appeared in a European publication.
"Modern globalization, neoliberalism as a global system, should be understood as a new war of conquest for territories."
"The end of the III World War or Cold War does not mean the world has overcome the polarity.. The defeat of the "evil empire" (Dixit Reagan and Thatcher) signified the opening of new markets without a new owner. Therefore a struggle was needed in order to possess them and conquer them.."

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Commentary :: Peace

The Illegalities of the Bush Jr. War Against Afghanistan

Americans need to know: A war of aggression is the "supreme international crime"; the US invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan were wars of aggression. "It is very distressing to see some of the highest officials making legal arguments that were rejected by the Nuremberg Tribunal."

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Commentary :: Globalization

VIDEO: Antonia Juhasz - A History of Opposition to the World Bank

Antonia Juhasz' book "The Bush Agenda" gives a clear view how we got into the Iraq war and exposes the WTO and IMF "Chevron, Halliburton, Bechtel, Exxon" for all to see.

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Interview :: Economy

VIDEO and transcript: Nomi Prins' "It Takes a Pillage"

Journalist Nomi Prins, a Wall Street vet, talks about the importance of taking a stand against the way the government is allocating economic relief money. Taking from public funds to support private risk is a pillage.

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Commentary :: Economy

The Dominance of the Financial Sector is a Mortal Danger

The bigger the financial sector gets, the more power it has to hold the entire economy ransom for huge bailouts when their speculative bubbles collapse. Firms that are allowed to grow as large as AIG, CitiBank and Bank of America create "systemic" risk that threatens the world financial system. The bottom line is that if a financial institution is too big to fail, it's just too big, period. The new regulatory proposals now pending before Congress are critical first steps in reining in the power of the financial sector. The proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency is especially important. It would end the anything-goes "Dodge City" mentality that allows consumers to have their pockets picked by financial "products" like teaser-rate mortgages with prepayment penalties that guarantee the consumer pays more than meets the eye. It will require tight regulation of credit card interest rates and fees.

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Commentary :: Environment

Free "Plan B: 4.0. Mobilizing to Save Civilization"

"A great blueprint for combatting climate change." —Brian Walsh, Time
“[Brown’s] ability to make a complicated subject accessible to the general reader is remarkable…” —Katherine Salant, Washington Post

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