Quick Analysis: Republic of Georgia
14 Aug 2004
Stout Analysis

This is a quick take on US and Russian actions to undermine the Republic of Georgia.
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BTL: Terrorist Alerts: Genuine Threats or Political Ploy?
14 Aug 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Craig Eisendrath, senior fellow with the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Class : Economy : Poverty : U.S. Government : Urban Development : Urban Development
Voices of the lost and forgotten-Part One:
13 Aug 2004
Jay Shaft
Homeless families ask an important question: "How can America let this happen to us? Why can’t we get any help?"
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Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq
13 Aug 2004
Flint Jones
When a state is determined to pursue war, and all forms of indirect symbolic protest actions have failed to sway politicians to halt their imperialist aggression, the only remaining option is direct action by the working class. One option is a general strike by workers that can effect the production and transpiration of military capital, that is the materials essential for the war machine. The other is to deprive the military of the labor it needs to fight the war. The slogan from the Vietnam War protests deliberately speaks to this, "What if they had a war, and no one came?" The U.S. military is overwhelmingly recruited from the working class, and convincing our class as a whole to refuse to work for this blood money may be our best chance for both ending the war in Iraq and limiting the imperialist ambitions of the U.S. for future decades. (This essay is published simultaneously in 'The Northeastern Anarchist', #9, Summer/Fall 2004).
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
The Northeastern Anarchist #9 out now!!
The Summer/Fall 2004 issue of "NEFAC's Magazine of Class Struggle Theory and Practice" is now out...
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Bush's Plan to Build a Better Octopus
13 Aug 2004
George LoBuono
"The worst nomination ever?"
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
IRS -- Israeli Revenue Service
Next time irs comes calling for mandatory donations to israel, shove this in their face and tell them to go away or get blown away....
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News :: U.S. Government
Help John Buchanan
John Buchanan, an outspoken critic of the official story of 9/11 and the Bush family generally is allegedly being judicially disappeared by the Bush Regime.
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