Quick Analysis: Republic of Georgia
This is a quick take on US and Russian actions to undermine the Republic of Georgia.

Mikhail Saakashvili, President of the Republic of Georgia.
Why are the US and Russia giving the Republic of Georgia a hard time?
Thar's oil in them thar hills! It is very
Mikhail Saakashvili, 36, is a strong leader and probably the closest thing Georgia will ever have to a "humanitarian" leader. The NGO's should back off or our "corporate interests" will manipulate them to get him out. He is holding the Black Sea pipeline construction up until environmental regulations are adhered to by BP, et al. For this reason our administration wants him out.
Russia wants him out because he will protect Georgian interests and not be bullied by Putin. Saakashvili doesn't really have much of a chance. Now the very groups that wanted him in will turn on him because they do not understand the transition from dictatorship to sovereignty in an oil related country.