News :: U.S. Government : War in Iraq
FEMA misled the public about the WTC collapse!
06 Sep 2004
Eugene Tenenbaum

Had WTC been built correctly, it should have burned out and not collapsed, causing smaller material damage and much fewer victims among almost 1000, who died under the zones of impact in and around the both towers. Because the retribution should be proportional to the injury, so exposing design flaws causing the WTC collapse would have weakened the argument for the retribution war in Iraq. Hiding design flaws blame for part of injury, and keeping all blame on the attackers, implied more retribution, i.e. a stronger argument for the war. FEMA used very sophisticated technical tricks to avoid truth pointing to design flaws and corruption of the WTC capital project.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
FEMA camps for enemies of the state
Both Hitler and Stalin rounded up citizens into concentration camps and exterminated millions. Could this happen in America today? Read on...
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News :: Asia
Virus Alert CNN.exe New Virus found
06 Sep 2004
Virus alert
New Virus found: CNN.exe
A new virus,
CNN.exe, has been found in America. This has affected millions of Americans before it could be detected. The right thinking Americans, anti-war and anti-imperialism activists are trying hard to clean the minds of their fellow countrymen. They have declared war on CNN.exe and want to uproot it from America. However the virus has caused wide spread damage. In fact after Sep 11 it spread like wild fire, engulfing millions of Americans. The Trojan horses like white racism and Christian fundamentalism active in American body politic are making it almost impossible to eradicate the virus completely. These horses make a person receptive to lies, after damaging
reason-noid, an enzyme essential for rational thinking. When such a person comes in touch with CNN.exe, lies and myths stick to him/her like leaches and suck reason-noid. After the victim is under the control of CNN.exe, the virus injects false consciousness and its hidden agenda.
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Nuclear Solutions Lost In Ambiguity
05 Sep 2004
Mary La Rosa
Ambiguity: Mordechai Vanunu; a lawyer in Israel representing Dimona employees; two solutions for nuclear waste that give us alternative viable energy; a portable nuclear weapons detection system since 1999; blackmail and extortion; another dead scientist and the closing of the National Lab in Los Alamos
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism
Labor Day Rally against Wal-Mart
Advertise Walmart's discriminatory practices against women on this
major shopping day. Women will be protesting on Labor Day and rallying for
fair labor practices while exposing the rampant injustice Wal-Mart
promotes. This is a great story for Labor Day considering most stories on
Labor Day will be about Traffic, Vacations and Weather.
Sponsored by the National Organization of Women.
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BTL:Big Media's Coverage of U.S. Politics Influenced by their Corporate Agenda
05 Sep 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with journalist and filmmaker Danny Schechter, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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Organize for the MWM, Counter-Inaugural!
05 Sep 2004
we the people
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Announcement :: Right Wing
All Out For Valley Forge!
With the Bush administration firmly entrenched in power, true fascists – an assortment of neo-Nazi and other far-right groups – are no longer afraid to organize publicly, far from their home base of support. The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is planning a large public demonstration on September 25th in Valley Forge, PA. The NSM, who refer to themselves as “America’s Nazi Party,” feel no need to hide in their homes in Minnesota, and have instead chosen a location on the East Coast less than half an hour from the very multi-racial and multi-cultural City of Philadelphia. We in Anti-Racist Action are planning a counter-demonstration to oppose these fascists, and are inviting all those who believe in freedom and equality to join us in sending the NSM a strong message that fascist scum are not welcome in Pennsylvania!
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Announcement :: Culture
Surrealism in 2004
04 Sep 2004
Keith Wigdor
This is a statement denouncing the hypocrisy and deception that exists within the current surrealist movement today in 2004. In order for a transformation of life and the chance for a positive engagement for freedom to take place, surrealism needs to redefine the goals of true revolution and to INVOLVE EVERYONE, not just a select few.
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News :: U.S. Government
The Original Handbook Book of Terror
04 Sep 2004
Richard Schultz
The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and engrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man. (Thomas Jefferson, as quoted by Saul K. Padover in Thomas Jefferson on Democracy, New York, 1946, p. 165, according to Albert Menendez and Edd Doerr, compilers, The Great Quotations on Religious Liberty, Long Beach, CA: Centerline Press, 1991, p. 48.)
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