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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Defying President Bush, House Passes Legislation Overturning His...

...New Trade, Travel Restrictions on Cuba ~ Interview with Alvaro Fernandez, president of the Cuban American Commission for Family Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/02/04)


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Commentary :: Environment

Impacts, Causes and Effects of North America's Forest Dieback

The following is a brief discussion of the extent and potential impact of America's forest dieback in the immediate future, as well as a discussion of the various causes and scenarios which describe the impact of forest loss on human civilization and the planetary ecosystem.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation


George Bush has committed perjury and contempt of court. In his Harken Energy scandal he got a whitewash from JAMES DOTY his personal attorney.

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News :: Media

Security for mobile phones, PDAs emerges


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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/1/04)


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News :: Activism : Elections & Legislation : Media

Dodge Authoritarian Rule: Spin the so-called Debate

ball close wmd hot air sm.jpgThe Democrats need help. I was told by a Brazilian who knows, "It's easier to prevent a dictatorship than to undo a dictatorship." Like it or not, defeating Bush equates to preventing authoritarian rule, and defeating Bush equates to electing Kerry.

So, the Democratic Party seeks our help. This announcement provides some actions you could take after tonight's so-called "debate."

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News :: Labor

UGSOA Members Vote to Stop the Payment of Dues to UGSOA

UGSOA are Fighting Back Against UGSOA

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media : Miscellaneous

Tonight Thursday 9/30: Voice Support for the Future of Public Access TV

public_access_programs.gifThe battle for Public Access TV for Baltimore is on, and time is fleeting. This announcement alerts you to an opportunity to demand the dedicated funding of Public Access TV Tonight 9/30 7:30pm, some additional background, and a notice of a critical upcoming hearing.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Bush Administration Policies Erode Bill of Rights While Supporting...

...Advocates of Theocracy ~ Interview with Mark Crispin Miller, author and media critic, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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