Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation


George Bush has committed perjury and contempt of court. In his Harken Energy scandal he got a whitewash from JAMES DOTY his personal attorney.
In Formaldegate Bush has committed contempt of court and perjury. See stories ( Did Bush Lie under oath in Funeral Home Case? by Robert Bryce and Anthony York ? ) and ( Bush in Contempt on Formaldegate? by Robert Bryce ). Perjury and contempt of court are grounds for impeachment. Bill Clinton, Federal Judges Alcee Hastings, and Walter Nixon all were impeached for perjury yet when George Bush commits perjury nobody in the country cares. When George Bush got into trouble over Harken Energy he ran crying to daddy and he got a whitewash from his personal attorney JAMES DOTY. To quote from ( Harken Energy - Bush's No Good Trade by Tom Flocco, Paragraph 5 ). " So, in the end, the younger Bush was cleared of insider trade wrongdoing by his personal attorney and by his father's vice-presidential counsel, a virtual impossibility for the average U.S. citizen."

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