Identifying An Abusive Relationship
Abusers exploit, lie, insult, demean, ignore, manipulate, and control (from the FAQ on domestic abuse)
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Only the Zionists Kill Like That!
On Oct. 5, 2004, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) shot to death Iman al-Hams. She was an unarmed 13-year old Palestinian girl, who was on her way to school, near Rafah, in the Gaza Strip. Her body was found riddled with 20 bullet wounds. The commander of the IOF outpost stands accused of the vile act. Like American activist Rachel Corrie; and British subjects, Tom Hurndall, James Miller and Iain Hook; al-Hams is yet another victim of Zionist crimes.
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Military : Peace : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
Voices of Dissent: Stark Realities of the Iraq War
13 Oct 2004
Janis D. Shields
War Vets and Families Speak Out, Couple Tells of Life in Baghdad After U.S. Invasion
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Venezuela: After the Referendum
13 Oct 2004
El Libertario's editorial staff
* The August 2004 elections legitimized Hugo Chávez's presidency, approved by the multinational powers-that-be, despite the opposition's claims of electoral fraud. We, at El Libertario (issue 39, September/October 2004), presented an indepth analysis of the consecuences of the referendum, as well as proposals for action in the new circumstances. We shall now quote a couple of notes from that issue that express the essence of the venezuelan anarchists' perspective.
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News :: Latin America : Media
El Libertario / Venezuela: 9 years, 40 editions
13 Oct 2004
El Libertario's editorial staff
* The Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) of Venezuela is happy to announce the upcoming (early November) release of issue # 40 of our publication El Libertario, celebrating the 9th anniversary of the CRA and our newspaper.
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News :: Environment
Young Voters Declare Dirty Energy Top Election Issue
13 Oct 2004
amanda womac
North America’s energy dependence is a major threat to current and future generations, and all the experts are pointing to young voters as the key constituency in this election. October 19th is the North American Day of Action to declare Independence from Dirty Energy. Youth voters will call on political leaders to lay out a concrete plan for energy independence. Actions will be happening across North America. Sign the petition today at!
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Who is Hamad Hamoud?
13 Oct 2004
Johnny Wizard
Is john batiste going to sit with the loyal
troops in the carnage he ordered, and bite the bullets
for the team? Hell no, he's probably commanding from
Florida, basking in the sun with his personal cut of
that two billion with buford blount's two timing nazi
whore of a wife.
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News :: Miscellaneous
News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/13/04)
If the news gets you down don't forget the #1 form of activism NJS recommends you take is merely getting people to see David vonKleist's "911: In Plane Site".
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
12 Oct 2004
Matt Ehling
From CONITELPRO, to the CISPES investigation, to the War on Drugs, to the PATRIOT Act, this episode of “Declassified Radio” examines how tensions between security policies and constitutional rights have grown in recent decades.
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Announcement :: [none]
The Day After: Nov Three | Where to Be
12 Oct 2004

Contingency plans are being made for a number of possible outcomes of the presidential election. Join others on Wednesday November 3 2004 at Center and Charles Streets 5pm, regardless of the outcome.
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