Identifying An Abusive Relationship
Abusers exploit, lie, insult, demean, ignore, manipulate, and control (from the FAQ on domestic abuse)
Just a thought. Has anybody else made the comparison yet between the behavior of victims of domestic abuse and some of the "progressive" supporters of the democratic party? Not yet? Well as someone who has previous experience on both accounts I guess I'll be the one to do so. The following are some basic characteristics:
- The victim/supporter stays with the abuser/party because they feel they have no other choice
- The victim/supporter feels they can make the abuser/party change their ways
- The victim/supporter makes excuses for the abuser/party
- The victim/supporter is usually the only one who suffers any detrimental effects as a result of the abuser's/party's behavior
- It is difficult to convince the victim/supporter to hold the abuser/party
- The abuser/party has little incentive to reform while the victim/supporter enables their behavior and refuses to hold them accountable
I realize at this point most will probably conclude that the same analogy could
be applied to the republican party and some of its supporters. I agree with this perfectly valid assessment. I chose to single out democrats
because the difference is in the stage of the abusive relationship:
- In the republican version of this analogy, the miserably comfortable victim/supporter has yet to reach the point of making an assessment and
breaking the cycle of abuse
- In the democratic version, the victim/supporter took the step of breaking the cycle but subsequently returned to the abusive relationship
In the world of both partner abuse and party affilations, some victim/supporters eventually realize the folly of remaining in or returning to
an abusive relationship. Unfortunately far too many wind up as tragic statistics, unable to see that another way is possible.