Announcement :: Labor
Take Action Against Anti-union Policies At Wild Oats
18 Oct 2004
richard myers
The Ohio Valley I.W.W. calls a picket of Wild Oats Markets
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Open Letter to my Grandfather
17 Oct 2004
James F. Harrington - Socialist Workers Party
I never really got to know my grandfather, Austin A. O'Malley, as he died when I was only four years old. He came over to the United States from his native country, Ireland around 1889, as a little boy of eleven years. Like many other Irishmen from Louisburg, County Mayo, he settled in Clinton, Massachusetts. I know that he worked there for a baker for awhile untill the Spanish American War broke out. I also know that he was in and out of the Veteran’s Hospital all through his life. I also know that he liked to drink at bars in South Boston, sometimes with his dog beside him.
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"Million Worker March" a Spirited Success
17 Oct 2004
William Hughes
Oct. 17, 2004 was an historic day for Labor. The Million Worker March (MWM) brought a progressive blueprint for change to Washington, D.C. In front of the Lincoln Memorial, the organizers’ central message rang out loud and clear: “The Labor Movement will follow its own independent agenda to restore America!” They also blasted the AFC-CIO’s boss, John Sweeney, and his cronies, for boycotting the event.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
It Was And Is the Theft of the Election Stupid.
17 Oct 2004
Lloyd Hart
Could somebody please tell me how this alternate reality appeared totally blotting out the well-documented history of election 2000. The alternate reality I am speaking of is the one that seems to have taken over the minds of the Democratic Party and their party hacks like Paul Bagala a host on CNN's Croosfire who up until Nader announced his candidacy to run for the presidency in 2004 claimed over and over and over again on the air that George Bush and the Republican dominated Supreme Court stole the presidential election in 2000. All across America Democrats screamed about the theft of the election over over and over again.
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Announcement :: Media : Protest Activity
Call to Action: Stop Government Repression of Indymedia
17 Oct 2004
Call for Indymedia Solidarity
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BTL:Ralph Nader Answers Critics Who Say His Presidential Bid Could Help...
16 Oct 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Re-Elect George Bush ~ Interview with Ralph Nader, independent presidential candidate, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Media
Wireless World: Wireless Bluetooth
15 Oct 2004
Gene Koprowski
Great story about bluetooth technology.
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Review :: War in Iraq
Command from Above: Book Review
15 Oct 2004
Ludwig Watzal
"Are there justified reasons for US bashing? Never has a US administration taken as little pains to veil its true interests as the adminis-tration of GeorgeWBush.. A messianic-aggressive rhetoric spread which is the real reason for the estrangement between Europe and the US.."
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