Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Labor

Take Action Against Anti-union Policies At Wild Oats

The Ohio Valley I.W.W. calls a picket of Wild Oats Markets


Wild Oats, the progressive natural foods store celebrates October as Fair Trade Coffee and Banana month. But, the reality is that Wild Oats is pathologically anti – union toward its own employees.

Wild Oats would rather close a store, fire a union delegate, and break Labor Board orders to cease and desist from interrogating and intimidating union supporters, than respect workers organizations in their own stores.

It’s not a coincidence that Wild Oats can support Fair Trade far away in a distant country and not honor those same conditions in their own backyard.

The Ohio Valley I.W.W. invites you to join us for the:

Wild Oats - Fair Banana - Fair Coffee - Unfair Labor Practices

Picket for Workers Rights

Saturday - October 23rd - 12noon - 3pm

Assemble @ RookWood Commons Mall

on the corner of Edwards Rd. and Madison Ave.

Contact the Ohio Valley IWW @ 513 899 9927 or

3 things you can do to help:

1) Call 1-800-494-WILD and demand the re-instatement of Tom Kappas - an end to arbitrary policies - and to end union harrasement at the Cincinnati Wild Oats store and abroad

2) go to the Ohio Valley IWW website and sign the petition

3) plan an informational picket in your hometown or attend the picket the 23rd in Cincinnati

thanks for your support,

the OutReach Committee

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