Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Activism : Children : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Crime & Police : Crime & Police : Culture : Economy : Economy : Elections & Legislation : Health Care : History : Labor : Poverty : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

Live Event with Howard Zinn, John Sayles, Lily Taylor, Wallace Shawn, Voices of a People's History...

an evening of readings from a new collection,
edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove. Friday, October 22, 2004

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Interview :: Activism : Children : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Crime & Police : Crime & Police : Culture : Economy : Economy : Health Care : History : Labor : Poverty : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

Howard Zinn, NEW Voices of a People's History...

ZNet interview

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Commentary :: [none]

The meaning behind the message of the RNC protests

Reform, radical change and the meaning and styles of protest---this and more.

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News :: Media

The Web: Broadband -- over power lines?

Great story about broadband over powerlines.

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News :: War in Iraq

The increase of the oil price


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LOCAL News :: [none]

Global Liberation: Message of Hope and Resistance

empireoncolumns.jpgBrief overview of the key themes in the new book "Global Liberation" edited by David Solnit, who visited Red Emma's book store and cafe October 19, 2004.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/20/04)


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News :: War in Iraq

The Truth About Right-Wing Conspiracy…And Why Clinton and the Democrats Are No Answer

EDITORS' NOTE: Amidst widespread revulsion over George Bush and everything he stands for, millions are increasingly desperate, frustrated, and angry as they realize the election of 2004 offers them no possibility to vote against the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and other horrors of the Bush agenda. And this realization that on crucial questions confronting the people of the U.S. and the entire world John Kerry does not offer any serious challenge to Bush highlights the reality that THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE EXERCISED IN THIS ELECTION.


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LOCAL News :: Media

Public Access TV News

Press Release by Baltimore Grassroots Media on the Fate of Public Access TV in Baltimore

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Media : Protest Activity

WANTED: Your Creative Ideas for Post-Election Direct Action

arrogant-empire sm.jpgIt's Simple:
Share your ideas for Non-Violent Direct Actions that could be considered if Bush trys to steal the election again. This time, we won't let him.

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