Brief overview of the key themes in the new book "Global Liberation" edited by David Solnit, who visited Red Emma's book store and cafe October 19, 2004.

David Solnit from CNN Archives
David Solnit, editor of "Globalization Liberation: How to uproot the system and build a better world," spoke at Red Emma's 800 St. Paul last night (Oct. 19, 2004).
The image below captures one of the key strategic messages in a nut shell. The powerful minority rests upon the pillars of power consolidation, which in turn depend on the complacent acceptance of the rest of us. One of those pillars, the local police, are composed in great part, of working people with families, heart ache and on-the-job grievances like everyone else. The book gives examples of people creating a social awareness among their local police, which paid off significantly when movements reached a crescendo.
With this strategic message of empire on pillars understood widely, the organizational structure of the movement becomes secondary. Solnit described the international structure as a natural weaving of more localized groupings of people with common bonds and interests. It is impossible to stop because there is no "It" to target. Everyone understands the strategic framework and can pull in the same general direction without consuming excessive energy coordinating.
The book is a powerful collection of what is wrong with the current system, strategic insights on how to change the system, and examples of how it has been done in the past. See City Lights Books for more information on the book.