News :: Elections & Legislation
Bush Soils Self During Speech in Melbourne, FL
24 Oct 2004
Dalee Onyon

During a campaign speech in Melbourne, Florida, President Bush soiled himself when a private plane buzzed the event.
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Interview :: Elections & Legislation
Noam Chomsky Interview
23 Oct 2004
Jennifer Bleyer
"There are some differences, and small differences in a system of enormous power can translate into substantial effects. The Bush administration, if it gets another mandate, may do very serious harm to the world and the country A short-term goal is tonot grant them a mandate."
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Let's Boil it Down, Mr. Republican
23 Oct 2004
Denny Burbeck
Are you "really" a republican?
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Why Greens Should Vote Kerry
22 Oct 2004
Liberation Learning
This year is the year for Greens to vote for a Democrat. This will make us more relevant in the future and will send the right message to Republicans. Go too far and we'll even help Democrats win.
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News :: Media
Wireless World: Fighting terror wirelessly
22 Oct 2004
Gene Koprowski
Great story about fighting terrorism wirelessly.
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Are Bush Supporters Uninformed?
Survey results of Bush supporters show that they are very uninformed.
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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Elections & Legislation : Globalization : International Relations : Media : Middle East : Military : Peace : Poverty : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
Why, Doesn't Anybody Care?
In short the video was an effort to put a spotlight on the crimes and injustices currently being perpetrated by the continuation of illegal occupations in the name of democracy.
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Why Are We Litering the World with Depleted Uranium Instead of Generating Much-Needed Electrical Power with It?
"...Economic studies indicate that a radioisotropic nuclear battery is economically
competitive with chemical batteries for applications requiring lifetimes of over two
years at remote locations..." TRY 400,000 YEARS!!!!
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Ralph Nader Speech - full text
22 Oct 2004
Denny Burbeck
The speech he gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears.
(recommended: paste to wordpad)
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