Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Ohio's History of Voter Suppression in African American Community Likely... Have Affected Election Results ~ Interview with Greg Palast, BBC-TV investigative reporter and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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LOCAL News :: [none]

35 Years is Enough-Free Eddie Conway and All Political Prisoners Rally at UB

A coalition of local activist groups held a rally on Saturday November 6th around the issue of political prisoners within the United States, and educating more people about the plight of Eddie Conway. Conway, a former member of the Black Panthers, has been incarcerated, unjustly, for over 35 years.

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Commentary :: Globalization : International Relations : Media : Middle East : Military : Miscellaneous : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

Fallujah Operation Name Change

Did you notice that the US Military changed the operation name for it's attack on Fallujah?

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Free Radicals: The School of the Americas

Pete Sullivan -sax, Marcos Melchor -sax, Shawn Durrani -bass, Nick Cooper - drums, Bo Morris - precussion, tuba, Bob Chadwick -flute, J.J. Watson - euphonium, Billy Lovelace - guitar, Matt Kelly - organ

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LOCAL Commentary :: [none]

Independent Media and the Global Justice Movement

This brief article connects the Media-Reform-Movement-Dot to the other dots that make up the larger Global Justice Movement. Success of the latter depends on taking tangible steps to foster more independent media outlets.

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Announcement :: Activism : Africa : Animal Rights : Asia : Baltimore MD : Biotechnology : Children : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Crime & Police : Crime & Police : Culture : Drugs : Economy : Economy : Economy : Elections & Legislation : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Europe : Gender and Sexuality : Globalization : Health Care : History : International Relations : Labor : Latin America : Media : Middle East : Military : Miscellaneous : Peace : Poverty : Protest Activity : Right Wing : U.S. Government : Urban Development : Urban Development : War in Iraq

Activists Increase Militance in Wake of Bush's Re-election

In the wake of Bush's re-election, a string of militants are rising up and taking direct action against Republican, military, and corporate targets. You are cordially invited.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

The King Commands

/ / Rumsfeld replied to a direct question yesterday as
to whether he knew Zarqawi was in Fallujah with the
answer: ``I have no idea if he is there.'' \ \

So, America! there is your reason for dying America's
sons and daughters, Johnny's brothers and sisters. "No
idea" rumsfeld states while his private partners cash in
the blood checks for everything but the funeral

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/12/04)


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Commentary :: [none]

Four Funerals and a President

It appears that the United States and the present Administration is on the brink of several enforced changes in domestic and foreign policy that will be brought about by the deaths of just four individuals....

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Commentary :: International Relations

Is Bush Compromised by Israeli Intelligence?

Let's outline a scenario:

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