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Submissions to the newswire


News :: War in Iraq

'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah

Fallujah why Guernica

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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights


I need a good civil rights lawyer!

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Preparing for a Crooked Election: Angst for Nothin’

Question: What good are democratic solutions if democracy no longer exists? Answer: Good question. For one writer’s take on this conundrum, read on.

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News :: Europe


Yanukovich himself has a criminal record and should not of been allowed to stand in this election under Ukrainian law,but the rules were bent to allow him to do so

Yanukovich has a criminal record for robbery and bodily injury

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Announcement :: Activism

Academic Consortium for Open Voting Software Promises Public Domain Election Systems

splodetheblackbox_sm.jpgIn the spirit of free information flow and transparency in Democracy, academics in the Open Voting Consortium are now assisting in the drafting of engineering standards for open source and public domain election systems that generate a voter verifiable paper step. OVC compliant systems will use mostly off-the-shelf hardware and will belong to the communities that use it. The consortium needs support and visibility.

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News :: Europe

Mystery surrounds Yushchenko ailment


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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Eastern Ukraine to ACT to Halt Years of Oppression & Exploitation by Western UltraNationalist Nuts


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Commentary :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Economy : Globalization : Protest Activity

Boycott Coke

cocacola_boycott_small.gifCoca-Cola is the one boycott the world should be joining right now

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News :: International Relations

Demolishing the American Myth That the Ukrainian Elections Were "Flawed"


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News :: Elections & Legislation

"Democratic" Pro-Western Stooge Running Scared in the Face of Demands of Eastern Ukrainians for Freedom & Respect


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