Announcement :: Activism
Academic Consortium for Open Voting Software Promises Public Domain Election Systems
In the spirit of free information flow and transparency in Democracy, academics in the Open Voting Consortium are now assisting in the drafting of engineering standards for open source and public domain election systems that generate a voter verifiable paper step. OVC compliant systems will use mostly off-the-shelf hardware and will belong to the communities that use it. The consortium needs support and visibility.

The Open Voting Consortium (OVC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development, maintenance, and delivery of open voting systems for use in public elections. They are comprised of world class computer scientists and industry specialists working toward transparent and accountable voting systems that comply to all elections standards, disability support standards and are available for free download belong to the communities that use them. OVC voting systems generate a voter verifiable paper ballot printout after the voter uses an input interface to enter his/her choices. The paper ballot is then fed into hardware running a ballot reconciliation program which matches counts with the entry machines for verification. Already there is an example for this model downloadable from sourceforge and demo on the web. Check out the following sites for more information.
Forum on Open Voting systems
Printable Activist Information flyers can be found on the bottom of the home page
OVC home page
This is a collection of press about them
TV news story about them in Quicktime
the OVC board
they also have a prototype of an OVC compliant voting machine on line for download in Python using the sourceforge repository
and also a web demo