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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/07/04)


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LOCAL Announcement :: Culture

Riot-Folk at Red Emma's on Friday 12-10-04

This Friday, Dec. 11th, Ryan Harvey and Evan Greer of Riot-Folk Records will be teaming up with 1905's Songs of August for a night of rocking acoustic anarchist music at Red Emma's Bookstore and Cafe!

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request

author: Pretty Boy Floyd

Florida computer programmer has now made remarkable claims in a detailed sworn affidavit. An ex-Republican programmer claims that he designed and built a "vote rigging" software program at the behest of then Florida Congressman, now U.S. Congressman, Republican Tom Feeney of Florida's 24th Congressional District.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Big Blab - The deafening silence is alarming

Johnny Wizard's "The Big Blab"

"The most influential broadcast ever heard. If you
hear anything this year, Johnny Wizard's "The Big Blab" will be it."


Traitors to freedom and liberty are the bushite, who spew anything and
everything, but to support the FBI, and the arrest of those found
responsible for terrorism by following the crime scene leads. Like
those who torture and rape the innocent. Do bushite call for the
arrest and execution of the bushites in Gitmo, or in Iraq that we know
of? No, for as enemies to God, they only support the destruction of

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

Freeing The World To Death

We should be so "grateful" that Emperor George II
is keeping us "all safe from terrorists."

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

The 'American Dream' Is Not Dead

a call to war

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News :: Asia

S. KOREA. 12.6/Last Week's Struggle Report

Migrant workers in S. Korea, now since one year and three weeks in sit-in strike, are always participating the local class struggle.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/06/04)


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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Crime & Police : Culture : Economy : Economy : Environment : Globalization : Health Care : Labor : Media : Miscellaneous : Peace : Protest Activity : Urban Development : Urban Development

Senator Theatre Weighs in on Public Access TV

With the third and final City Council vote on the Comcast Cable contract scheduled for Monday December 6 at 5pm, Tom Kiefaber of the Historic Senator Theater has dedicated his marquee sign and his large mailing list to the cause. This article urges people to put the "public" behind the call for postponing Monday's vote.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Great Putin

Watchdog Reports Dangers Russian Children Are Facing

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