Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: War in Iraq

ROTC, Military Recruiters Off Campus Now!

As the bloody U.S. colonial occupation of Iraq drags into its third year, and with the U.S. volunteer military facing predictable recruitment shortages, student activists around the country have taken to protesting military recruiters on campus. On January 20, the day of Bush’s second imperial inauguration, some 300 students at Seattle Central Community College confronted and successfully drove out two military recruiters.

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Commentary :: Poverty

10 Reasons Why a Basic Income is Necessary Today

A basic income could heal our fragmented society caught in work fanaticism and work fetishism.. A basic income could change social attitudes and goals and give real meaning to the human rights to life and participation.

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Commentary :: Gender and Sexuality : Health Care

Virgin - the new american role model

an English point of view on an American solution to a worldwide problem

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/16/05)


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LOCAL Commentary :: Gender and Sexuality

Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities

This is the second in the Baltimore IMC series on sexual assault. In this installment, the authors, two Baltimore-based sociologists, present a cross-cultural look at domestic violence. As they write "Domestic violence knows no borders."

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism

Resistance Consciousness with John Trudell (includes audio links)

John was a mainline leader/activist in the American Indian Movement in the 1970s. In 1979,his family, including 3 young daughters, were murdered. He was given access to the world of famous musicians and allowed to go *in and out of craziness* while he greived and began to write. His deep inner-seeking brings out gems by the dozen. The State works overtime to suppress his insights so that you never even hear of him, much less his depths. He's a traditional-oriented American Indian who is part of a broader resistance against the colonization of both peoples and *their minds* (not only indians!). Everyone should realize the value of hearing him out and passing the word on!

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LOCAL Interview :: Culture : Military : Peace

Questioning Everything: an Interview with Paul of PANZER DIVISION

Recently, PANZER DIVISION had it's second performance in Baltimore, as part of the Crush America Tour. I got a chance to interview Paul about his music project, the gear he uses, his musical influences and how his life encourages his driving passion for exploring the ideologies of war.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Baltimore Music Conference

Information about Baltimore's First Music Conference to be held in September 2005

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Announcement :: Biotechnology : Environment : Globalization : Health Care : Protest Activity

June 18-21 *** Mobilize in Philadelphia *** BioDEMOCRACY / Reclaim the Commons!

Join us to challenge the corporate crime, poisons for profit, and flagrant lies of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (, at the time of their annual international convention, with a creative uprising for truth, life and justice!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Quantum Reality


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